My random thoughts on tonight’s election results…

6 Nov

Random comments:

1. Christians who have been hardcore Republicans, perhaps it’s time for you to begin stressing your heavenly citizenship a good bit more (Phi. 3:20). It will make you deal with this without panicking or getting depressed, and it will make you a more effective and faithful witness for Christ’s Kingdom in the present age.

2. I can’t think of a louder voice against conservatism than the one we have heard tonight from the American voter (for good or for ill). As George Will said, “if Republicans can’t win in this environment, they need to get out of politics and try something else.” The country is changing.  And for those who still insist we are a center-right country, well that doesn’t mean much of the center moves too.

3. The co-belligerency project between Evangelicals and Catholics appears to be seriously one-sided and/or seriously ineffective. It may be ineffective because it no longer appears that there are enough religious conservatives to really change the election outcome nationally.  Second, it seems to be one-sided as well.  In other words, what religion and politics scholars have observed among Catholics in previous elections, that Catholic voters are not significantly driven by Catholicism but rather by other conventional factors, appears to be a seemingly enduring reality, especially given the heightened stress on Catholic issues this election cycle. Of course, we’ll have to wait on survey data analysis of Catholics to confirm that suspicion.  In the future, perhaps the co-belligerency project should focus more on building a defensive alliance for the sake of mutual protection and less on building a base of political power in the GOP.  UPDATE NO 2: Exit results show that Catholics went 52-45% for Obama tonight.

4. GOP, pick your poison. You can double-down, excite your base and suffer defeat at the hands of demographic changes. Or you can move to the center, turn your back on conservatives and evangelicals on most social issues, embrace Latinos and immigration, and persistently lose the only place where you currently find enthusiasm in your party.

5. Evangelicals will need to come to grips with the fact that Billy Graham is no longer our national cultural icon.  Brad Pitt and Katy Perry are.  They will need to stop speaking about “taking our country back” and start learning to operate like so many other evangelicals in the world, as a minority religion primarily concerned with carrying on the business of Christ’s church unmolested by state interference. They will need to stop denying the separation of church and state doctrine and firmly embrace it, as they historically did, in order to shelter the church from government intrusion. Love your neighbor in the earthly city, as salt and light, promoting the Moral Law of God common to all men, but give up on the misguided dream and political mission to transform America into a Christian nation.  Sometimes the best offense is a good defense.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

4 Responses to “My random thoughts on tonight’s election results…”

  1. irishsignora November 7, 2012 at 5:07 am #

    Wise advice. I’ve counseled several despondent friends this morning that our victories are not always meant to be of this world and that, perhaps, we would do better to be that salt and light in every moment of our lives instead of spending millions of dollars on political campaigns. I am Catholic, and am gravely concerned about the impact the election results will have on the charitable endeavors of our Church, from health care to assisting immigrants, helping the poor, and providing counseling to families in desperate need. I can’t even consider life issues (both beginning and end) this morning. At any rate, I appreciate your wisdom. We are told that we will enter through the narrow gate, and it appears that those of us who follow Him have a decent visual, this morning, of how narrow that gate’s becoming. Peace be with you, sir. — Kelly


    • thereformedmind November 8, 2012 at 10:04 pm #

      Our faith traditions must stand together, more in a defensive way I’m afraid, in order to continue to peacefully go about the Lord’s business. Keep the faith, this ain’t our home.


      • irishsignora November 9, 2012 at 5:43 am #

        Presicely. This is just a temporary residence 🙂



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